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Keep It Under Control:

Hey guys,

Sophie here. To all the teachers and parents out there who are having difficulties getting their students/ child to focus, You might think your student is only trying to annoy you, but try finding out what is wrong before jumping to conclusions. Here's what you can do:

  1. Identify the behavior… make a list of all the serious misbehaviors

  2. Identify the cause… remember, you're not the enemy, the cause of such behavior may be a very delicate subject so remember to be very sensitive and understanding

  3. Remember, the way you react mean EVERYTHING, so you must remain calm and collected

  4. Change the way you speak to him, if you regularly call on him, don’t call on him for a while, change things up

Hopefully, this post helped you fix everything up. Please comment below to let us know if you would like more posts like this. If the advice didn’t work, please share your story with us so that we can help you!!!

See you!

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