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Our Inquiry Cycle, Essential Agreements, and Lines Of Inquiry:   


Tuning in is very exciting! Its when you can brainstorm, make ideas and just explore your topic. Tuning in is how ideas are born, and perspectives are formed.

Tuning In

Our Inquiry Cycle

Finding Out

Taking Action


This is one of the most important steps in our cycle. Taking action is where all of your learning and ideas come in place and really make a change.


Sorting Out


During the exhibition , we were following the six steps of the Inquiry Cycle. Today I will be talking to you about the third step. It’s called Sorting Out. It means you're at that point when you have enough information, and you know enough about your topic to begin writing. At this point, we had plenty of information and we began ’sorting out’ all the things we knew into writing pieces, comics, and games. Now, if you look around the website, you’ll find posters and poems that were made during the sorting out stage.


Going Further


One of the biggest parts of the exhibition is when we have to reflect on our work. When we reflect on our work we find places that we can improve on so the finished product can be even better!


During the exhibition, we were following the six steps of the Inquiry Cycle. Today I will be talking to you about the fourth step. It’s called Going Further. It means you're reviewing your work to be able to take it just a bit further and then putting all together. It’s when you feel you're almost done and you’ve learned things you want the world to know.  This website was made while going further. We took all our writing, games, and comics and put it all together on this website. 

Our Essential Agreements:

 We agreed to talk to each other about everything... We need trust. Even if it’s a social life problem. 

We will agree to disagree and we will not get mad at each other for disagreeing we all have our own opinions. Don't hold grudges!

We will listen to each other's ideas and let each other type.

We will be there for each other and be there in the struggles of the Exhibition! 

We will work as a team.

This Is Us:

Our Lines Of Inquiry:

An inquiry into keeping children happy, safe and healthy.
An inquiry into injustice, inequality, and stereotypes.
How do societies' opinions impact children's' self-confidence and abilities

A Message From Our Mentor:

It has been my pleasure to work with Annie, Sophie, Sarah, and Nick. They have shown a real passion for working together and creating information to help children around the world. They have considered different audiences for their work and have been researching and choosing the best information on their website. This all happened while their school transitioned to distance learning, and people around the world were under lockdowns as COVID-19 spread world-wide. Their perseverance is to be admired. 

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